
What is typically included in a Restoration?

Because there are so many different consoles, it is hard to cover everything in one text blurb.

In general, you can expect the following:

  • The console will be totally disassembled and cleaned in hot, soapy water or possibly a degreaser. I avoid things like Oxiclean or other chemicals in order to keep any markings like logos or controller labelings from fading.
  • The internals of the console will be cleaned, removing things like dust, grime, or any other foreign objects that have made their way inside the system over the years.
  • Any internal shielding will be inspected to ensure there is no rusting. If rusting is found, it is neutralized in vinegar, and in the case of more severe damage will be painted over with a conductive paint to prevent further corrosion and make it look a bit nicer.
  • Any major faults of the system will be addressed. This varies from system to system, but such an example is any Original Xbox would have its clock capacitor removed.
  • The game interface will be serviced. On cartridge systems this includes servicing the pins on the cart slot, and on disk based systems this will include things like tuning or replacing the laser, if possible, replacing grease on the gears, replacing the drive band, etc.
  • Any thermal compound will be replaced, if required. Thermal paste is always replaced, while thermal pads are only replaced when required.
  • I will attempt to buff out any scratches from the case. This is a case by case basis, some will be more hidden than others depending on the depth and total number. If the case is too damaged, it will either be replaced or the damage will be noted.
  • The case will have a plastic treatment applied which acts as a protectant and gives it a nice finish.
  • If the case has been severely yellowed, it will be retrobrited to restore the color.

Anything beyond this will typically be noted in the listing for the system. If you have a specific question you can reach out.

Is every system serviced this way?

Yes. My goal is to provide as close to a new console as possible. While I can't always get everything 100% perfect, I try my absolute best.

Can I supply my own system?

Yes. Fill out a ticket on the "request a service" section and I will get back to you with an approximate price range.

What do you charge for restorations?

Typically around $60.

Restorations are significantly discounted when combined with a repair/mod install.

What do you charge for repairs?

This will depend on repair, but expect the price to be around $60-$80 for most repairs. A lot of common issues can be solved around this price, but more complex repairs will cost more. Conversely, some may be quick fixes and cost less. I will always confirm with you before proceeding with any work, and you will be given a range if you request a quote that I try to stay within.

Restorations are significantly discounted when purchased with a repair.

Do you charge a "diagnostic fee" or similar no fix fees?

There is no fee to perform an initial diagnosis of your system. I can usually give an estimate with just a description of the issue, but I will happily take a look at the system at no charge. If you book a repair and I am unable to repair your system there is no fee. I do not charge a fee ahead of time. You will be invoiced upon completion of the job.

The exception is there is a $30 bench fee for any system which has had prior work or repair attempts. This fee is absorbed into your repair cost upon a successful job (IE If I quote $70 and complete the repair successfully, you would pay $70. If I can not complete the repair, you would pay $30). I charge this fee to avoid total junk being sent in, and I may waive or apply it at my own discretion depending on the condition of the console. If there are obvious signs of work inside the console when I receive it, I will let you know and confirm with you if you would like to proceed.

If you decide to proceed and after an effort has been made to complete the repair without success/the console is deemed a no-fix, you will be invoiced for the $30 prior attempt fee.

Understand that I really do want to fix your console, but not everything can be repaired. Again, this fee is in place to prevent things like sending in a system that has been in a the bottom of a lake for 10 years, the owner knows it, and wants to see if they can get away with a repair for cheap. I'd be happy to take a look at a system like that, but it will be billed appropriately depending on the work required.


What sort of mods do you do?

Basically anything. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or open a ticket with your question and I will get back to you.

The most common mods I perform are things like mod chips, video mods like RGB bypass/HDMI, or recaps.

What do mods cost?

This will depend on the mod. In general, you can expect a mod chip to cost around $60-$80, an HDMI mod like the Xbox HD+ or Retrogem around $100, and most recaps in the $40-$60 range. Again, this depends on the system and what not. Please reach out and I can give you a specific quote. Parts are not included in the cost.

Restorations are significantly discounted if purchased with a mod.

Do you include games with your systems?


To be clear, doing this is illegal and a violation of copyright law, and anyone who is telling you otherwise is lying.

I'm not a copyright holder, so it isn't my business what other sellers are doing, but understand that I do not do so because it is illegal for me to sell copyrighted content that I have no claim over and pretend I am providing you a service.

Any games you play on your system should be direct rips of games you own.

Send in Service

How do I send in a console to be worked on?

At the top of the page you will notice the "Request a Service" link. Please follow that link and enter your email. You will be emailed a link to fill out a ticket which will collect all of your information. I will get back to you ASAP with an approximate quote based on the info that you provide.

If we move forward I will provide you with shipping information.

How should I pack my console?

Please, PLEASE use thorough packing material when shipping your device. The two most important things when shipping electronics is that your device should only be touching packing material, and it SHOULD NOT MOVE INSIDE THE BOX. For a detailed explanation, check out this video.

Once your item is packaged, please write your ticket number somewhere inside of the package so I know which device is yours.

Please understand that shipping is outside of my control - which is why it is important to properly package your console.

How will my console be returned to me?

I will securely pack your console and mail it back to the same address you ship it from. In general I will pick the cheapest shipping rate, unless you specifically request something else. Shipping is not included in your repair price and will be invoiced separately.


What is the expected turnaround time?

I quote ~2 weeks from the time I receive your system with a normal work load, but this can vary depending on the queue depth. I keep my approximate queue times updated on the announcement banner.

If you'd like to cut the line, I charge a $30 expedited fee which will put you at the top of the list, typically around 1-3 days from when I receive the system, depending on what is required. I can give you a pretty solid estimate of what the time frame will be based on any parts that need ordering, my schedule from my personal life, etc (unfortunately I do have a day job).

Do you only work on Retro Consoles?

While my focus is mostly on retro consoles, I have completed repairs on other consoles/electronics in general. If you have an inquiry about more modern consoles, you are free to reach out.

What do you consider retro?

My definition might be different than yours, but I consider any platform which was initially released over 15 years ago as retro.

What is the best way to get in touch with you?

You can either DM me on Instagram or send me an email at shannon@retrorefresh.shop.

If you want to have work done to a console, please fill out a ticket at the link at the top of the page.

Do you offer any warranty?

I offer a 90 day warranty on any console, purchased or commissioned.

The same applies for repairs, but this only covers the repair that was completed. For example, if you send in a PS2 because it doesn't power on, and then within 90 days it stops reading discs, this would not be covered under warranty.

I have a technical question about a console I purchased

First, please try reading my console documentation, which covers a lot of info about the systems I work on and how I have them configured.

I am happy to field questions related to the operation of your systems. You can DM me on Instagram or email me for help.